Organising Garbage In Green way

As much as you reduce, recycle, or reuse trash, there is no escaping the fact that you will fill a couple of bags or more every week. This doesn’t have to be messy or unsightly thought. Even better, you can keep your space and garbage organised in a green way. Here are a handful of […]

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Organising Garbage In Green way

Organizing Your Garbage - Gorilla Bins

As much as you reduce, recycle, or reuse trash, there is no escaping the fact that you will fill a couple of bags or more every week. This doesn’t have to be messy or unsightly thought. Even better, you can keep your space and garbage organised in a green way. Here are a handful of suggestions that we feel will help:

  1. Recycle
  2. Some types of waste are easy to recycle or reuse, like plastic, which can be reused in fabricating containers, furniture, carpets, clothing, and a bunch of every-day items.

    Glass is also recyclable, though there are fewer recyclers. If there is a glass recycling centre in your community collect all glass products and take it there.

    There are, however, many junk metal recyclers and you can make good money from selling metallic waste like pipes, cans, electrical wires, springs, cooking pots, and rusty metals. Paper can also be recycled, but you might want to shred those papers before putting them in your paper recycle bin. For old books and clothes that are no longer in use, you should consider donating them to local charities.

  3. Scan important documents
  4. Scanning your documents and storing the copies in an off-site computer backup is a good way to digitise your files and reduce the amount of space occupied by paper records. Anything that cannot be easily replaced, including utility bills, medical statements, receipts, schoolwork papers and drawings, special notes and cards, and old photos should be scanned and the backup copy stored off-site from your location, or in a safety deposit box within your home.

  5. Change your shopping habits
  6. There are many things that have become the norm in most households, but only serve to increase the amount of garbage in the home. Consider the following:

    • Replacing paper towels with towels and sponges that you wash every day to reduce garbage
    • Although frozen foods are convenient, heating the food in plastic is a hazardous eating practice because some particles of the plastic escape into the food. So, avoid buying packaged foods – except when it is out of season or a speciality food – and prepare your own fresh food.
    • Wash and sanitise your fabric and mesh bags for use whenever you go shopping. They’re a strong and durable alternative to the flimsy disposable bags
  7. Make use of re-purposed containers
  8. Plastic or glass jars can be used to hold items purchased in bulk like nuts and spices. They can also be filled with office supplies, nuts and bolts, toys, or used in the freezer to store food. Don’t forget to label your containers.

    Lastly, consider renting supplies for occasions that only happen once or twice a year to reduce the garbage. You can rent serving dishes, dishes, and cups, as well as table cloths and other things. Alternatively, you can keep rarely used items in a storage unit so you have more space in your home or office.

All of the above will help reduce the amount of waste that heads to landfill. Taking these steps not only is good for the environment but also makes us feel a little better by being socially responsible!

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